Wednesday, May 23, 2012

delays, not just for airports my friend

So its been a while since I posted because there has not been a lot to talk about.
I was already to move everything the weekend of May 10, I even took time off of work so I could be ready. The first night went great, dad surprised me by getting off work early and we moved some of the big items over like my TV and entertainment center.
We put the TV in my bed room because I had purchased a new TV for the living room, little did I know that cable was no longer a call them and they come out and hook it process...
Apparently cable is now a whole ordeal you have to go through, I tried to get the cable I am used to and have had at my parents house for years but found out they can't service my side of the street, so I started research to see if there was another company that would be cheaper and I could get them out there-yes and no...
First I found out getting a standard cable company would take 2 plus weeks, and I am a TV junkie and having no TV is just not a possibility for me, I have the Blu Ray hooked up and I have been watching movies but even that is getting old, and as you can tell I like movies

So after much research I found the best deal for me and got it all scheduled so I am very excited to get that going! Also going full house so that fun, I love that I can record in any room and watch in any room.
I also picked up this small TV for the kitchen, love how it blends in
So cable was not the only problem I was having... I mentioned before trouble with the plumbing well dad came out and tried to fix it as best he could
Hard to tell from the photo but in true dad fashion he was using a curtain rod to reach around the tight angles, got to use what is there right?
But that did not work so I had to call the plumber, THANK GOD I had a home warranty I called them and they sent someone out and I only had to pay $60! 
Sadly they couldn't find/fix the problem! He said his snake was at the max and he could not find a problem, so I had to call the big guys in.
The next day 
came out and after 2 1/2 hours they were able to find the problem, it was all the way out past the street, over 120 feet away from the house.

So another strange thing happened the other day, my sister went to use the bathroom but the light wouldn't turn on, I was assuming it was just burnt out and we would change the bulb when I had time, however when my dad came to work on the plumbing he tried the light and found the fan wasn't working either we thought oh its a fuse... we checked that and nope. So dad pulled the cover and tried to see what the problem was, he was even in the attic looking to see where in the world the wires went, he couldn't figure it out
So he put everything back and we went home for the night, 3 days later out of habit I hit the switch and everything worked... SO STRANGE. So the bathroom is possibly haunted...
One other thing I was able to get 1/2 set up is my typewriter tower, still have one typewriter at home that has to be moved but I love this!
I will do a little more with it as time goes on but I love that they are out and I can look at them every day!

But all the current problems are solved and as soon as the cable is installed I plan to MOVE IN this weekend!!! Fingers Crossed!!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Bags and Shoes-I am woman

Slowly and little by little I am moving stuff over... This weekend I took some clothes and started to fill my spare closet, happy delight the closest are much bigger than I thought so that will be very helpful.
I also moved over all the shoes I don't wear on a normal everyday, it was then that I realized I have a few shoes...
and no this is not all of my shoes...
But I was able to get them all in the closet, oh I forgot to mention this was after I went through and filled a garbage bag with ones I no longer wanted....
So with only a couple double layers I was able to get them all in the closet

I also brought over some bags and thought I worked hard to get them they should be displayed like art. So here you have my closet art!
Still loads of room behind them and on the second shelf. they are VERY deep closets

After all that girly work I decided it was time to tackle the garbage slider... The original plan was to put it in its own cabinet but found out it was an inch to big so i had to compromise and put it under the sink... I read the directions and realized how easy it is so I gave it a shot. And I am very proud of myself!!
yes I see that is on a small angle I did that on purpose. 
After that I really didn't have much else to do I was going to head over to my parents but then I saw my solar lights in the garage I have had them since December since they were free at Menards with a rebate, just been waiting for a time to put them up. and I thought why not now??
So I assembled them and took them out to "plant" I still have 2 but I think I will keep them as "just in case" 
I put them all along the walkway to my house and one on each side of the garage