Monday, September 17, 2012


So I have been on break for a long time with this blog, and a couple people have asked me why I haven't been posting and if I could again. So here goes...
I will slowly update you on things that have happened since my last post.
For example I got a puppy!!!
Please meet Samwise Jethro Gibbs- AKA Samie
This was the day I brought him home, he is a rescue from a place based in Liberty Center but I picked him up in Bowling Green.
                                                In the car on the way to his new home

 He started chewing on this bed instantly, 4 months later I had to throw it out he had tore it up so bad
I got Samie July 5th 2012
Here are a couple of him over the last 3 1/2 months



My favorite pictures include...
                             When he decided he was a cat and could walk in the window sill
                    When he got his toy stuck on his nose and walked around like it was no big deal

And Samie watching The Walking Dead with his paw over his eyes... guess if Zombie's attack I should not count on him to save me.

Today Samie looks like this
 Yes the cone of shame is in our house, he had his neuter surgery last week and had to wear this for 2 weeks so he didn't mess with his stiches. He gets the cone removed in 3n days I can't wait.

As you can tell the cone has not slowed him down, he has run into so many things with that cone it was hysterical at first. But my shins are bruised from him running into me none stop. It is handy to catch him by the cone when he has to go in the crate but I am ready for it to come off for sure.

Well I think that's a good update for more. More to come soon...