Thursday, December 13, 2018
I only use this Blog to link posts to my Pinterest... as I will be getting married in a year I will be posting updates on all the crafty things I am making for my wedding because it has been a HUGE help to me to see other people doing the same thing.
Monday, September 17, 2012
So I have been on break for a long time with this blog, and a couple people have asked me why I haven't been posting and if I could again. So here goes...
I will slowly update you on things that have happened since my last post.
For example I got a puppy!!!
Please meet Samwise Jethro Gibbs- AKA Samie
This was the day I brought him home, he is a rescue from a place based in Liberty Center but I picked him up in Bowling Green.
In the car on the way to his new home
He started chewing on this bed instantly, 4 months later I had to throw it out he had tore it up so bad
I got Samie July 5th 2012
Here are a couple of him over the last 3 1/2 months

When he got his toy stuck on his nose and walked around like it was no big deal
And Samie watching The Walking Dead with his paw over his eyes... guess if Zombie's attack I should not count on him to save me.
Today Samie looks like this
Yes the cone of shame is in our house, he had his neuter surgery last week and had to wear this for 2 weeks so he didn't mess with his stiches. He gets the cone removed in 3n days I can't wait.
As you can tell the cone has not slowed him down, he has run into so many things with that cone it was hysterical at first. But my shins are bruised from him running into me none stop. It is handy to catch him by the cone when he has to go in the crate but I am ready for it to come off for sure.
Well I think that's a good update for more. More to come soon...
I will slowly update you on things that have happened since my last post.
For example I got a puppy!!!
Please meet Samwise Jethro Gibbs- AKA Samie
This was the day I brought him home, he is a rescue from a place based in Liberty Center but I picked him up in Bowling Green.
In the car on the way to his new home
He started chewing on this bed instantly, 4 months later I had to throw it out he had tore it up so bad
I got Samie July 5th 2012
Here are a couple of him over the last 3 1/2 months

My favorite pictures include...
When he decided he was a cat and could walk in the window sillWhen he got his toy stuck on his nose and walked around like it was no big deal
Today Samie looks like this
Yes the cone of shame is in our house, he had his neuter surgery last week and had to wear this for 2 weeks so he didn't mess with his stiches. He gets the cone removed in 3n days I can't wait.
As you can tell the cone has not slowed him down, he has run into so many things with that cone it was hysterical at first. But my shins are bruised from him running into me none stop. It is handy to catch him by the cone when he has to go in the crate but I am ready for it to come off for sure.
Well I think that's a good update for more. More to come soon...
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Cable woes... Part 2
So Buckeye cable was scheduled to come out to my house between 6-8 last night to solve all my cable problems. I skipped my sisters softball game, rushed home, opened the house so it was cool and breezy, got everything ready and started to pace around the house... I can tell you the color of every car that drove by, I was just staring out the window. I didn't make any dinner cause I didn't want to be rude and eat in front of them. The clock ticked away and my patience was long gone. My plan had been to run to Kroger's after they did the cable so I could get some Ice Cream to surprise my mom and sister and I needed a couple things for Breakfast and Lunch. At 7:45 I get a call from the Buckeye guy that he is obviously running late which he was very sorry for, and was trying to get some of his co workers to help him out, I asked how long he thought and he said another 30 minutes. I said OK I am going to run to Kroger's really quick.
I shut all the doors and windows and fly like a mad woman to Kroger's which no one told me they had changed the whole store!!! So I am flying around the store trying to find the few things I need. I rush check out and fly back home, caught every green light. I get home open the house back up and put everything away and I still end up sitting and waiting...
Finally I see them put up to the house 8:35pm, just as my sister calls to tell me they are leaving the ball field. So I let them in tell them what I need done. They say no problem that they are the warm up team that the guy who is supposed to be at my house is still at his other job and he has my boxes and equipment so they are just getting everything ready for him to come and hook up. So they are there about 20 minutes and one of the guys tells me he is going to where the original guy is to pick up my equipment from him so he can finish my house. He leaves more waiting for me... I am now STARVING but mom and Caitlyn are going to bring pizza so I can wait it out.
Around 9:15 mom and the cable guy pull in and he gets to work finishing hooking everything up and mom and Caitlyn and I inhale some pizza.The poor cable guy is now flying around my house trying to get everything set up, thinking the place he has to call to set it up closes at 9:30, but finds out they close at 10 so he has some time. He gets the tv's set up the internet working and all is well, he doesn't have to show me how to use it because my parents just got the same system over the weekend and I am already an expert.
So around 9:45 I finally got cable!!!
Glad its all over!!!
Buckeye people you need to switch to the new whole house system!! Basically its TiVo its AWESOME!! It is exactly like TiVo same noises and everything, I love it.
I shut all the doors and windows and fly like a mad woman to Kroger's which no one told me they had changed the whole store!!! So I am flying around the store trying to find the few things I need. I rush check out and fly back home, caught every green light. I get home open the house back up and put everything away and I still end up sitting and waiting...
Finally I see them put up to the house 8:35pm, just as my sister calls to tell me they are leaving the ball field. So I let them in tell them what I need done. They say no problem that they are the warm up team that the guy who is supposed to be at my house is still at his other job and he has my boxes and equipment so they are just getting everything ready for him to come and hook up. So they are there about 20 minutes and one of the guys tells me he is going to where the original guy is to pick up my equipment from him so he can finish my house. He leaves more waiting for me... I am now STARVING but mom and Caitlyn are going to bring pizza so I can wait it out.
Around 9:15 mom and the cable guy pull in and he gets to work finishing hooking everything up and mom and Caitlyn and I inhale some pizza.The poor cable guy is now flying around my house trying to get everything set up, thinking the place he has to call to set it up closes at 9:30, but finds out they close at 10 so he has some time. He gets the tv's set up the internet working and all is well, he doesn't have to show me how to use it because my parents just got the same system over the weekend and I am already an expert.
So around 9:45 I finally got cable!!!
Glad its all over!!!
Buckeye people you need to switch to the new whole house system!! Basically its TiVo its AWESOME!! It is exactly like TiVo same noises and everything, I love it.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Parents move...
Memorial Day weekend was madness I moved on Monday, only took one load everything else was already there. All I had to take was my bed, dresser and some odds and ends. and just like that I was moved... What a strange feeling. After 26 years in the same house I was on to a new adventure. Mom cried as she should but really she did good. I think she was so distracted by their move the next day that she was able to keep her mind off it.
Tuesday morning comes and its raining... oh no!!
So we push the movers back a few hours which turned out to be a blessing as it gave everyone time to pack a few more boxes and really be ready for the movers.
When they got there the young men were so kind and hard working. They never stopped moving!
They took extreme caution and care with the precious antiques that my parents have. We HIGHLY recommend Maumee Valley Movers to anyone looking to move. they even lifted a 1900's upright piano with no trouble at all. and helped my dad move the hot tub. They never once slowed down or took a break.These guys were amazing!!
Tuesday morning comes and its raining... oh no!!
So we push the movers back a few hours which turned out to be a blessing as it gave everyone time to pack a few more boxes and really be ready for the movers.
When they got there the young men were so kind and hard working. They never stopped moving!
They took extreme caution and care with the precious antiques that my parents have. We HIGHLY recommend Maumee Valley Movers to anyone looking to move. they even lifted a 1900's upright piano with no trouble at all. and helped my dad move the hot tub. They never once slowed down or took a break.These guys were amazing!!
Cable woes...
Ever notice how many cable commercials/ads you see as you watch tv? You would think they are desperate for new costumers... apparently you would be wrong.
I started with Buckeye because that is what I have always had and loved... they said they couldn't service my side of the street but would send someone out to double check and call me back after 3 days I called them they said still did not have an answer for me. Weeks went by and I never heard back from them.
So after a lot of research I spent a good hour or more talking to the direct TV representatives on 2 different occasions, so I sign up and I am all excited and the guy comes out and says there is no way I can put it on your house, I could put it on a pole in the middle of your yard (to which I said that's never going to happen) but even then he couldn't guarantee 2 years of service which he has to be able to do so no Direct TV.
Before he was even out of the drive way I was on the phone with Time Warner, no problem they say and I get it all set up. The day they were supposed to be there the clock just ticked away and they did not show, at exactly 12 they called to say they were running late, um DUH!
So they get there and the one guy was HYPER, he was bouncing around my house, the second guy was normal. They got it all hooked up and when I saw the boxes I was shocked they were so ghetto 80's boxes which were still full of someone's old DVR'ed shows then they sit there for 20+ minutes because the hyper guy hooked the internet up backwards and it wouldn't work. Also while there they were making fun of time warner, um seriously you work for them and your setting up a new costumer!
They leave and I check my TV they did not set up the Aspect Ratio right and everything was smashed together and a mess, I was so mad! Also the super hyper kid had to have 2 smoke breaks while at my house and came in and smelled up my house and then sat in a chair which he also left smelling. And how could I forget when he saw my laptop and just opened it up, never asking if it was ok for him to use it. The whole encounter was just so frustrating!
That night I was at my parents house and Buckeye calls my mom to make sure they are happy with their new service and my mom says yes but my daughter would like to talk to you, so I get on the phone and tell them how they never called me back and how upset I was with Time Warner. The lady says I am sorry no one called you we can come out there no problem. SERIOUSLY!? So now I have to call Time Warner and get that canceled which I do my mom and sister were kind enough to return the boxes for me, and tonight Buckeye is coming to set up my service.
I just can't believe the weeks it has taken to get good cable service. And its super frustrating that you can't watch the basic channels without cable, like the good ol' days.
I will be so happy when I have cable and get my million's of TV shows set up to DVR, this is to much drama for a junkie like me :)
I started with Buckeye because that is what I have always had and loved... they said they couldn't service my side of the street but would send someone out to double check and call me back after 3 days I called them they said still did not have an answer for me. Weeks went by and I never heard back from them.
So after a lot of research I spent a good hour or more talking to the direct TV representatives on 2 different occasions, so I sign up and I am all excited and the guy comes out and says there is no way I can put it on your house, I could put it on a pole in the middle of your yard (to which I said that's never going to happen) but even then he couldn't guarantee 2 years of service which he has to be able to do so no Direct TV.
Before he was even out of the drive way I was on the phone with Time Warner, no problem they say and I get it all set up. The day they were supposed to be there the clock just ticked away and they did not show, at exactly 12 they called to say they were running late, um DUH!
So they get there and the one guy was HYPER, he was bouncing around my house, the second guy was normal. They got it all hooked up and when I saw the boxes I was shocked they were so ghetto 80's boxes which were still full of someone's old DVR'ed shows then they sit there for 20+ minutes because the hyper guy hooked the internet up backwards and it wouldn't work. Also while there they were making fun of time warner, um seriously you work for them and your setting up a new costumer!
They leave and I check my TV they did not set up the Aspect Ratio right and everything was smashed together and a mess, I was so mad! Also the super hyper kid had to have 2 smoke breaks while at my house and came in and smelled up my house and then sat in a chair which he also left smelling. And how could I forget when he saw my laptop and just opened it up, never asking if it was ok for him to use it. The whole encounter was just so frustrating!
That night I was at my parents house and Buckeye calls my mom to make sure they are happy with their new service and my mom says yes but my daughter would like to talk to you, so I get on the phone and tell them how they never called me back and how upset I was with Time Warner. The lady says I am sorry no one called you we can come out there no problem. SERIOUSLY!? So now I have to call Time Warner and get that canceled which I do my mom and sister were kind enough to return the boxes for me, and tonight Buckeye is coming to set up my service.
I just can't believe the weeks it has taken to get good cable service. And its super frustrating that you can't watch the basic channels without cable, like the good ol' days.
I will be so happy when I have cable and get my million's of TV shows set up to DVR, this is to much drama for a junkie like me :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
delays, not just for airports my friend
So its been a while since I posted because there has not been a lot to talk about.
I was already to move everything the weekend of May 10, I even took time off of work so I could be ready. The first night went great, dad surprised me by getting off work early and we moved some of the big items over like my TV and entertainment center.
We put the TV in my bed room because I had purchased a new TV for the living room, little did I know that cable was no longer a call them and they come out and hook it process...
Apparently cable is now a whole ordeal you have to go through, I tried to get the cable I am used to and have had at my parents house for years but found out they can't service my side of the street, so I started research to see if there was another company that would be cheaper and I could get them out there-yes and no...
First I found out getting a standard cable company would take 2 plus weeks, and I am a TV junkie and having no TV is just not a possibility for me, I have the Blu Ray hooked up and I have been watching movies but even that is getting old, and as you can tell I like movies
So after much research I found the best deal for me and got it all scheduled so I am very excited to get that going! Also going full house so that fun, I love that I can record in any room and watch in any room.
I also picked up this small TV for the kitchen, love how it blends in
came out and after 2 1/2 hours they were able to find the problem, it was all the way out past the street, over 120 feet away from the house.
I was already to move everything the weekend of May 10, I even took time off of work so I could be ready. The first night went great, dad surprised me by getting off work early and we moved some of the big items over like my TV and entertainment center.
We put the TV in my bed room because I had purchased a new TV for the living room, little did I know that cable was no longer a call them and they come out and hook it process...
Apparently cable is now a whole ordeal you have to go through, I tried to get the cable I am used to and have had at my parents house for years but found out they can't service my side of the street, so I started research to see if there was another company that would be cheaper and I could get them out there-yes and no...
First I found out getting a standard cable company would take 2 plus weeks, and I am a TV junkie and having no TV is just not a possibility for me, I have the Blu Ray hooked up and I have been watching movies but even that is getting old, and as you can tell I like movies
So after much research I found the best deal for me and got it all scheduled so I am very excited to get that going! Also going full house so that fun, I love that I can record in any room and watch in any room.
I also picked up this small TV for the kitchen, love how it blends in
So cable was not the only problem I was having... I mentioned before trouble with the plumbing well dad came out and tried to fix it as best he could
Hard to tell from the photo but in true dad fashion he was using a curtain rod to reach around the tight angles, got to use what is there right?
But that did not work so I had to call the plumber, THANK GOD I had a home warranty I called them and they sent someone out and I only had to pay $60!
Sadly they couldn't find/fix the problem! He said his snake was at the max and he could not find a problem, so I had to call the big guys in.
The next day
So another strange thing happened the other day, my sister went to use the bathroom but the light wouldn't turn on, I was assuming it was just burnt out and we would change the bulb when I had time, however when my dad came to work on the plumbing he tried the light and found the fan wasn't working either we thought oh its a fuse... we checked that and nope. So dad pulled the cover and tried to see what the problem was, he was even in the attic looking to see where in the world the wires went, he couldn't figure it out
So he put everything back and we went home for the night, 3 days later out of habit I hit the switch and everything worked... SO STRANGE. So the bathroom is possibly haunted...
One other thing I was able to get 1/2 set up is my typewriter tower, still have one typewriter at home that has to be moved but I love this!
I will do a little more with it as time goes on but I love that they are out and I can look at them every day!
But all the current problems are solved and as soon as the cable is installed I plan to MOVE IN this weekend!!! Fingers Crossed!!!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Bags and Shoes-I am woman
Slowly and little by little I am moving stuff over... This weekend I took some clothes and started to fill my spare closet, happy delight the closest are much bigger than I thought so that will be very helpful.
I also moved over all the shoes I don't wear on a normal everyday, it was then that I realized I have a few shoes...
and no this is not all of my shoes...
But I was able to get them all in the closet, oh I forgot to mention this was after I went through and filled a garbage bag with ones I no longer wanted....
So with only a couple double layers I was able to get them all in the closet
I also brought over some bags and thought I worked hard to get them they should be displayed like art. So here you have my closet art!
I also moved over all the shoes I don't wear on a normal everyday, it was then that I realized I have a few shoes...
and no this is not all of my shoes...
But I was able to get them all in the closet, oh I forgot to mention this was after I went through and filled a garbage bag with ones I no longer wanted....
So with only a couple double layers I was able to get them all in the closet
Still loads of room behind them and on the second shelf. they are VERY deep closets
After all that girly work I decided it was time to tackle the garbage slider... The original plan was to put it in its own cabinet but found out it was an inch to big so i had to compromise and put it under the sink... I read the directions and realized how easy it is so I gave it a shot. And I am very proud of myself!!
yes I see that is on a small angle I did that on purpose.
After that I really didn't have much else to do I was going to head over to my parents but then I saw my solar lights in the garage I have had them since December since they were free at Menards with a rebate, just been waiting for a time to put them up. and I thought why not now??
So I assembled them and took them out to "plant" I still have 2 but I think I will keep them as "just in case"
I put them all along the walkway to my house and one on each side of the garage
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