Monday, June 4, 2012

Cable woes...

Ever notice how many cable commercials/ads you see as you watch tv? You would think they are desperate for new costumers... apparently you would be wrong.
I started with Buckeye because that is what I have always had and loved... they said they couldn't service my side of the street but would send someone out to double check and call me back after 3 days I called them they said still did not have an answer for me. Weeks went by and I never heard back from them.
So after a lot of research I spent a good hour or more talking to the direct TV representatives on 2 different occasions, so I sign up and I am all excited and the guy comes out and says there is no way I can put it on your house, I could put it on a pole in the middle of your yard (to which I said that's never going to happen) but even then he couldn't guarantee 2 years of service which he has to be able to do so no Direct TV.
Before he was even out of the drive way I was on the phone with Time Warner, no problem they say and I get it all set up. The day they were supposed to be there the clock just ticked away and they did not show, at exactly 12 they called to say they were running late, um DUH!
So they get there and the one guy was HYPER, he was bouncing around my house, the second guy was normal. They got it all hooked up and when I saw the boxes I was shocked they were so ghetto 80's boxes which were still full of someone's old DVR'ed shows then they sit there for 20+ minutes because the hyper guy hooked the internet up backwards and it wouldn't work. Also while there they were making fun of time warner, um seriously you work for them and your setting up a new costumer!
They leave and I check my TV they did not set up the Aspect Ratio right and everything was smashed together and a mess, I was so mad! Also the super hyper kid had to have 2 smoke breaks while at my house and came in and smelled up my house and then sat in a chair which he also left smelling. And how could I forget when he saw my laptop and just opened it up, never asking if it was ok for him to use it. The whole encounter was just so frustrating!
That night I was at my parents house and Buckeye calls my mom to make sure they are happy with their new service and my mom says yes but my daughter would like to talk to you, so I get on the phone and tell them how they never called me back and how upset I was with Time Warner. The lady says I am sorry no one called you we can come out there no problem. SERIOUSLY!? So now I have to call Time Warner and get that canceled which I do my mom and sister were kind enough to return the boxes for me, and tonight Buckeye is coming to set up my service.
I just can't believe the weeks it has taken to get good cable service. And its super frustrating that you can't watch the basic channels without cable, like the good ol' days.
I will be so happy when I have cable and get my million's of TV shows set up to DVR, this is to much drama for a junkie like me :)

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